Multinational Financial Services Company
Another challenge was presented to Group Nine by one of the world’s largest multinational financial services companies headquartered in New York City. This company had a significant corporate event in another state that would include hundreds of high-net-worth attendees.
Given the current threat landscape, notwithstanding the threat of physical harm, reputational damage, corporate espionage, and general embarrassment, it was paramount that dependable and professional security services be provided around the event. The situation was even more complex as an A-list entertainer would perform during the main event. As our team of experts analyzed the case, we quickly realized that adding a major celebrity to the already large number of high-net-worth individuals in the same place at the same time made the venue an attractive target and posed a significant risk for the organization.

After analyzing and assessing the situation, Group Nine’s Subject Matter Experts presented the company with a trusted option for the highest level of executive protection from a partner organization. The protectors would be sworn law enforcement officers acting off-duty from their employing agency. By utilizing off-duty law enforcement officers for the event, the organization had the added benefits of a security force with years of training and experience in recognizing threats, de-escalating situations, and, if necessary, taking law enforcement action to thwart an attack. Another benefit is the ability to call for backup to handle a security situation immediately and EMS should any medical condition unfold.
The corporate event was a resounding success and took place without any incidents of concern. The company could not have been happier with the professionalism everyone involved in the event security displayed. Our team of subject matter experts faced the challenge head-on and charted a way forward to mitigate the company’s risk by safeguarding its key personnel.